I wanted to draw your attention to a designer range of men's underwear and swimwear from the United Kingdom which I jave just come across. It is called Quadrigae Zeus or Q-Z bodywear for short and their collection I find more than impressive. By the way, after some research into the somewhat eccentric name of the brand, I discovered that a Quadrigae is an ancient Roman charriot always pulled by four horses. So i suppose the name means "The Chariot of Zeus". So you're up there with the Gods, guys, when you are wearing these designer ranges.
The current collection from Quadrigae Zeus is made up of "couture", "microfibre","fashion", "club" and "tatoo" and I find them like a breath of spring air on the men's designer underwear scene. You can access the Q-Z Bodywear here to have a look at the different collections.

From the little research I have done on this collection it is rapidly becoming a best seller in Japan and the Japanese designer male underwear market is becoming one that is also setting the pace internationally.